Friday, May 1, 2009

Books and relaxation

Reading the most relaxing book in awhile. Hope it stays as peachy as it is now. It's A Stopover in Venice by Kathryn Walker, and the buzz is that the book is a bit autobiographical being that the author is a former wife of James Taylor. I wasn't aware of that when I began reading (and it doesn't change the way I feel about it in any way) but am enjoying the slow pace of the book. Very restful, which is a treat for me. I admit to picking it up at the library because the title is so fetching and the spine of the book is so pretty....decorative qualities do matter!

I took it to bed with me after getting back home from taking the least one and one of her brothers to Target for her to spend her birthday money. Wonderful to have an overcast day---a bit cooler, but still would warrant having the air conditioning on if I had a mind to pay for cooler air. As it is, seems too early to weaken for the indoor breeze. Will wait a bit more, and we'll enjoy using the fans in the meantime.

Tonight will take some of the kids to church for free family movie night---Cars, which we've rented and the kids will get a kick out of. And since we're not tearing into the bathroom tomorrow (it'll be on Monday), the weekend can pass fairly peaceably. I like that idea.