Friday, May 8, 2009

More on Friday

So, after getting home with the kids last night with a tray of Lantana, three larger pots of things I don't remember but saw that they were beautiful, the veggies, an Aloe and some plant fertilizer....Gary brought home 4 trays of flowers for me today. Mostly Petunias, which are my seasonal favorite. They're a trial having to keep the slugs away, but I do adore them...the scent at sundown is dishy for sure. Whoa. I was content with what I got last night, but he said it wasn't enough. I'll go with what *he* said. :)

I'll be busy this weekend. Oldest daughter and I will be going out to lunch tomorrow and then to the hippie store for some China Rain spray I wear. Sunday afternoon will be spent with my head in the yard!

Looks like the weekend is going to be nice indeed.