Saturday, July 4, 2009

Fourth of July Day

A lazy day, of sorts. Our 19 year old son has taken on the cooking out. He bought himself a new grill yesterday, and is perfecting the art of using one of those cylinders to start it...husband made one out of a can, and so far, so good. A pork roast is sizzling away (and will be transformed into BBQ later on), to be followed by chicken. Another son made mint chocolate chip ice cream yesterday afternoon---major yumness, and let's see----the rest of the preparations will be pretty mild. Works for me!

Oldest daughter and I are going out to lunch, then will come home to tidy up the place a bit and read books. Lazy. Good stuff, and necessary when we work so hard all week. And, my husband has taken today off from work, so hurray all around.

Enjoy your Fourth....may the freedom and reason to celebrate it continue.