Thursday, July 2, 2009

Mid-week stuff

A day off for me. The majority of kids will be at my mom's for lunch and the interim thereafter, and I'll come back home and read, and read, and read. The house is tidy, the wash sort of caught up and dinner's easy with tuna fish sandwiches and salad.

Speaking of which---picked, quite by accident, the first of our onions---a Texas sweet and was it wonderful. VERY sweet, and crisp, which is a trait I've not experienced in an onion my entire life---that is, the crisp part. I picked it when I was yanking out a hunk of crabgrass from the vegetable bed, and the onion came with it. Small-ish for an onion---think the size of a big toe!, but a treat anyway. We had it with dinner, sliced up thin on black beans and rice. Had a handful of banana peppers we've grown too. Still waiting on tomatoes. Had the first of those on Sunday---it had a bad place on the bottom, but I cut that away and we each had a small piece, warm from the sun. Nothing like a homegrown tomato, even it's only a tiny bite!

Daisy my Pug is sitting on my feet now. She's the most faithful thing. My dog, no question. When I leave the room for parts of the house the Pugs aren't allowed in, she waits at the baby gate for me to return. Or if I'm in the bathroom, she'll patiently wait outside the door, just staring at the bottom of it until I open it. Such a sweetheart. Sometimes there comes a dog into a person's life and they latch onto one another. So it is with Daisy and me. My punkin'.