Friday, July 3, 2009

Fourth of July Eve

This morning I told one of the kids that I felt like I'd been left at the starting gate, just waiting for someone to shoot the gun. That's my cue to get going. I hate that. Don't like feeling at their beck and call, and besides, not sure that it's supposed to be that way. There appears to be a magnet attached to my backside, and the least of my children each have one hooked onto their fronts. Honestly, I'm not that interesting. They don't really need me ALL the they?!?? ;) But, for them, life is so exciting and they want someone to share in it. That someone is me. I should adjust my attitude, shouldn't I? Before long, they'll not be so drawn to their mom. Huh. Hadn't thought of that since there's always been at least a couple of 'em who follow me around like little puppies. Whoosh, it'll be gone. Well, anyway. I'm working on it. Maybe I'll have it figured out after 26 more years of marriage, do you think?

I lie in wait for interruptions. The other morning, after getting up WAY too early, I went back to bed at about 8:30am (otherwise I'd have been pretty wretched company). Woke back up at around 10am and the house was so quiet. The dogs were outside, and the girls were playing in their room. Was able to make my tea and sit all by my lonesome for about 20 minutes or so.

I savor silence. Maybe I love it all the more because it's such a rare occurrence.

Still, I realized I'm hugely blessed---a wonderful and loving husband (gosh, I could just eat him up), sweet kids, a safe place to live and work for my husband to provide for us. I don't take a lick of it for granted, because in a heartbeat, literally, it can change. I thank God for all of it. Just sometimes wish it was quieter. :)

(photo by me)