Told my husband that apparently I'm supposed to be so humbled as to feel like dust on the floor. (bad sentence structure, but you get my drift!) He responded by telling me to be dust. Just be dust. I cried. It's all so simple, but I muddy up the water I drift along in by making everything I get involved in so complicated. I have little joy most days. Let's just say, it's an effort.
Diane talked today about being tired, and how that makes the simplest tasks overwhelming. I so get that. This morning at about 2am, the neighbors across the street (not the porch-sitters, D.) thought it'd be a good idea to have a party. The only requirement seemed to be beer and lots of it, the ability to run up the street shouting curse words at the top of their lungs and to slam car doors like there was no tomorrow. All participants passed with flying colors.
I think I finally got to sleep at around 3:30am. Ugh. Me, the sleep-deprived one even on a quiet night is a bit wonky today.
Husband returned all of the trash and beer bottles and oddments to their own front yard. Our grass isn't a trashcan on the worst of days. Huh. Just looked out and they'd cleaned up most of it. Mind you, they're not too enthusiastic about doing a really good job of cleaning, but I appreciate their effort. I'll cut them a teensy bit of slack.
Going to release my tendency to *control* this weekend. Deep breaths, and lots of 'em. I've been praying to feel the Lord closer, and so far, so good. I'm humbled. I'm thinking that feeling like a nobody really is a good first step in absorbing that peace the Bible talks about. Less of me, more of Him, you know.
Diane talked today about being tired, and how that makes the simplest tasks overwhelming. I so get that. This morning at about 2am, the neighbors across the street (not the porch-sitters, D.) thought it'd be a good idea to have a party. The only requirement seemed to be beer and lots of it, the ability to run up the street shouting curse words at the top of their lungs and to slam car doors like there was no tomorrow. All participants passed with flying colors.
I think I finally got to sleep at around 3:30am. Ugh. Me, the sleep-deprived one even on a quiet night is a bit wonky today.
Husband returned all of the trash and beer bottles and oddments to their own front yard. Our grass isn't a trashcan on the worst of days. Huh. Just looked out and they'd cleaned up most of it. Mind you, they're not too enthusiastic about doing a really good job of cleaning, but I appreciate their effort. I'll cut them a teensy bit of slack.
Going to release my tendency to *control* this weekend. Deep breaths, and lots of 'em. I've been praying to feel the Lord closer, and so far, so good. I'm humbled. I'm thinking that feeling like a nobody really is a good first step in absorbing that peace the Bible talks about. Less of me, more of Him, you know.