Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A book pilgrimage

I keep talking about/thinking about Elizabeth Sherrill's book (mentioned below) and have decided to send my copy on a trip. Thought it'd be fun to send it to a person who reads this blog, and then on a month-by-month basis, have it sent further along on its way. By December, I'd like to have my copy returned to me, and then I can highlight and share what folks have said about it.

Would love for you to actually underline in it, dog-ear the pages and put in notes. I've already turned down a couple of pages---before I actually got my pen out and wrote in it. Figured I'd initial what I marked and everyone else can do the same. I'll put in a note with my comments, and some paper to be written on as well. If I can find some sticky labels, we can use the same packaging and just fasten on a new label before mailing. That keeps costs down if the readers on down the line don't have to buy labeling.

The book looks pretty pristine on the outside now, but I don't expect it to be in that condition by December. I say, read it in the tub, mark important passages, take it on vacation, and enjoy it. Use it!

So for now, go to the website I mentioned below (the post with the book's picture), and see what you think. If more than one person is interested, I'll put the names in a hat and draw one---totally praying for the Lord to lead me to the right *first* person. And, I'll have a list of interested folks (if there's more than one), if any of you are at a loss on who to send it to next after you've read it.

What I'm thinking is that we can learn from one another, and if several of us are taken with the same phrases and chapters, it certainly says something about who we are and want to be. :)
