Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Thinking about stuff

Thinking how willingly I go into a *work-a-day* mentality. Soon as I get up (well, after my tea), I get it in gear with putting the laundry in the washer and then I automatically think about the kids' schoolwork. The pressure's on. And the thing is, I do this to myself. After homeschooling for about 17 years, without a break, I'm thinking it's time to shake up the routine a bit. Now, not to say that work is a bad thing, but for me, to be so consumed with how much I can accomplish and to beat myself up mentally if I don't---well, that *is* a bad thing. 'Course the reality of having 8 children who all still live at home is a factor, but I think that even that can be overcome with some playful thinking. And, no, my children won't become idiots if we do our schoolwork differently for awhile. Or will they?!? ;)

Have loved the past 2 weeks or so of having serious art classes for my offspring (repeating myself). To be able to shirk my fear of math (aka avoid it) and actually enjoy teaching has been a lark.

So, here it is. The least one is playing Barbies, middle daughter is making a dress for one of her own Barbies, assorted boys are in their rooms doing whatever it is boys do in their rooms, another son is doing yard work for pay, oldest daughter is at work with my husband (she's shop-girl for the antique store out there---owned by someone else) and oldest son is about to leave for his job. Soon as I finish writing here (and dump Violet the Pug out of my lap), we'll do our artwork. Yay us!

We're not lazy, but weary of routines that aren't fun.

And I've thought before that Americans are a bit too pre-occupied with accomplishments---forgetting how to goof off, we're so busy trying to get ahead. Well, nuts to that!

Time to change some attitude, yes?