Thursday, January 7, 2010

Mrs. Miniver

Reading Mrs. Miniver by Jan Struther and it's pure magic. I'd seen the movie with Greer Garson years ago, and had forgotten that a copy of the book was tucked in one of our bookshelves. A friend emailed me, before Christmas, saying that she'd found a copy of the book and wondered if I'd like her to send it to me. That comment sent me to the shelves, and there it was--a wonderful 1942 library copy. I'd ordered it long ago (before Amazon became so famous) from another homeschool mom and had gotten it and many other books in a lot sale. A treasure!

Reminds me of my copy of I Capture the Castle, which came from a local library used book sale. I grabbed it because of the author's name, left it on the shelf for several years as well, and once I read it, pronounced it a favorite. Same here with Mrs. Miniver. So delightful. I've not finished it yet, but will leave you with a sweet quote.

'There were the sounds of movement in the house; they were within measurable distance of the blessed chink of early morning tea.'--page 48