Thursday, January 7, 2010

This is Your Brain in Love

This is Your Brain in Love by Dr. Earl Henslin is excellent. And while I'm familiar with books that talk about the four personality types---both the introvert and extrovert, Dr. Henslin goes a step further and writes about more specifics. From brain scans, it's apparent that there really is a difference in how the brains of individuals look, and those facts help in deciding what behaviors need changing and if supplements or dietary tweaking needs to happen.

The book includes quizzes to help the reader find their own particular 'love style' and that of their spouse. The questions are right on target and the solutions to problem areas make perfect sense. I'd recommend this book to anyone who's married and is seeking to understand either their mate, or themselves. It's been my experience with friends and family members, though, that often problems arise within their relationship, and everyone just accepts that fact. This book says that you have an alternative. If you want to either save a marriage or enrich it, this book is a wonderful resource.

But besides all of the above, Dr. Henslin is a wonderful writer. I'd like to see him try his hand at fiction. :)

I'm a member of Thomas Nelson's blogger book review program and more information can be found at their website.