Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Thoughts on idleness

Am being held hostage by this darned cough and the need to blow my nose. You'd think that eventually I'd be well. Truth is, I was for about a day and a half last week. Huh. Must've let my guard down.

Here's something that's interesting, though. Oldest daughter was off work yesterday and made the observation that the whole house was quieter and felt more relaxed since I sat through most of it, and the kids were a bit more laid back as a result of my inactivity. Husband agreed when I shared with him. Conclusion: if the mom sits on her tush and reads magazines, the kids are more agreeable. Not sure what to make of that situation, but it is food for thought. Gary said that when I'm running around, doing my cleaning routine and all, that the children get worked up and chatter overmuch. He voted in favor of me resting more, since he's not too keen on wired-up children.

'Course the state of the house might put paid to the practice of my idleness before too long. The clothes do have to be washed/dried/hung-out, garbage has to be taken out, dinners have to be cooked and the vacuum does have to be pushed about. Maybe I need to rethink how much energy I put into these jobs (though my helpers work hard too), and honestly pay more heed to resting.

Must be the Lord has a lesson for me in all of this sickness stuff, do you think? And what's that quote....something about how things will have to be repeated before the truth of a situation hits home? Now, that's a stunning thought. Shoot, best learn it quick-like, or I'll be coughing all winter! ;)