Went to Ash Wednesday services at the Anglican church nearby today and LOVED it. I think the services I've enjoyed the most have been the smaller noon-time ones. Thanksgiving and Christmas provided the earlier ones I went to, and with only a small handful of folks attending, were very intimate and sweet. This one was just the same, and I think there were only about a dozen of us, plus the priest and his assistant in the sanctuary. Tickled as well that all through Lent the church will have services on Wednesdays at noon and 6pm. I'm partial to the earlier one, so that's just dandy with me.
Honestly, I'd never experienced the Imposition of Ashes before, and found all of it so touching. Was unaware that they burn the palm fronds from the previous Palm Sunday and use them for the following year's Ash Wednesday service. And, clueless church goer that I am, didn't know that the 40 day period between Ash Wednesday and Easter coincide with/reflect Christ's going to the wilderness for 40days/nights. Where have I BEEN? Clearly under some huge rock. I'm actually ashamed that I didn't know that, and really, have gone to church all my life. That's one thing I really like about the Anglicans---the history and liturgy sort of pull everything together.
Might go Friday as well since they do the Stations of the Cross, but again, am a bit of an ignoramus about what that service will entail. Thankfully I'm teachable. There are pictures alongside the inside of the church depicting the stations, but have never witnessed them used like they will be on Fridays. Looking forward to it, and hope that I can go---that is, if everything's running smoothly here and I can dash out. Sweet Indian boyfriend, oldest daughter and 2 boys will go to a movie, so surely I can work around that. It should work! Let's just say, I'll make it work.