- went out to dinner Saturday night (way overdue)
- had 29th anniversary yesterday
- am giving Gary tiny gifts all through February since it's my favorite month with our anniversary, Valentine's and my b'day---I call it the carousel of gifts---my yearly month-long gift giving nonsense
- Daisy is doing well and feeling her perky self again
- she goes on Thursday to get the staples taken out---that is, if her incision will weep no more (seems to be dry)---I looked at her incision just now and was shocked at how it appears that one of the staples wants its freedom---a teensy bit grossed out with imagining her innards spilling out---Gary laughed at me and said it's unlikely
- I visualize all of a person's/animal's organs being behind that first layer of skin, but do remember what my science books said---silly me
- reading a sweet book called 'Dearest Dorothy, Are We There Yet?' by Charlene Ann Baumbich
- SO enjoying the fact that Gary is off from FedEx this week (until Friday)
- actually a bit giddy with him off from there with the potential of regular sleep hours for a few days
- praying and hoping to feel more myself soon---thinking that his schedule is so wrapped up into mine that it's bound to happen
Well, there you go. Life as it happens.