Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thursday night

About to go stretch out in bed for a spell.  Gary has to do this every weekday night before getting back up at 9pm to get ready and go to FE. I usually join him for a rest because I suffer from husband withdrawal otherwise.  Just knowing he's nearby is a comfort.

We went to Starbuck's at Target for a treat earlier this afternoon.  I've been giving myself a pre-birthday treat everyday this week and today was a tall Doubly Chocolatey Chip Frappuccino.  Yum.  Monday's was a new bottle of a mauve/brown nail polish.  Tuesday was the new issue of Romantic Homes magazine.  Wednesday was a pint of Moose Tracks Ice Cream, and not sure what tomorrow will be (the official b'day), but who cares?

And...feeling much better this week by changing/increasing my iron again (I slip up and am overly cautious sometimes as well, I think) and adding a sublingual B-12 of a high dosage as well.  I made the mistake of calling it bilingual the other day and got looks from one of our sons.  WhatEVER!  It seems to be working with the iron a treat.  Read of a person I admire online telling of being diagnosed with pernicious anemia (and taking B-12 shots which gave me the idea of the dissolvable pills) and while I don't think that's my problem, the B-12 really does appear to work well in tandem with the iron.

Bottom line is since I began the new vitamin change on Saturday, I feel so much better. Noticeably so.  Might be the birthday, but think it's the iron/B-12. :)  Energy is wonderful, especially since I've been so missing it.  Seems to work at alleviating some of my depression as well.  It'd be interesting if my mood stays upbeat for longer stretches of time.  I do get tired of being sad.

Well, today is good.  The kids are fine----oldest son had a 24-hour stomach virus but nobody else caught it, which is amazing.  Anyway, all is well, and today's all I have to worry about, and I'm not even worrying.

(photo of my woodboy out back at his workshop)