Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday night

Still cold here, but with the promise of warmer temperatures in the days coming.  I cut some forsythia on Friday and the blooms are coming out in the big vase here on the dining room table.  I've not looked at our bushes out front, but was afraid they might freeze and look puny.  Had a few snow flurries this morning with the hope of more, but it warmed up.  Still, a snowfall would be fun, but would be nicer if you could have both snow and 60 degree weather!

Looking to enjoy the week.  Shopped for Valentine's candy for everyone and was a bit startled at the rudeness of the other folks out shopping.  I mean, we are talking about Valentine's, aren't we?  The show-your-love holiday.  Am always a bit shocked as well when people knock things off of shelves and then look at what's fallen like it's amazing, but won't stoop to pick the things up.  I saw this happen several times.  Always amazes me at how childish people can be.  I should have a temporary job as a store clean-up person.  Bet I could make millions!

Not much else going on.  Hopefully a quiet week with none of the drama we come to expect.  I could do with a dose of boring for a change.