Wishing in the very, very back of my mind that when I re-started this blog after the hack attack that I'd opened it up at Blogger again. This Wordpress is a bit limiting, especially being that I like to tweak the design a lot. A LOT. A blogger runs the risk, however, of being accused of fickleness when their address whizzes around the Internet overmuch. And who wants to be found guilty of that?
Probably I think about this sort of thing too often. I dunno.
As to life in general, Gary's back to the no-sleep mode. I figure I've just got to live my life and let him live his, even if he sleeps at inopportune times. Or not at all!
And it's cold as the Dickens here. Well, sorta Dickens. My goodness. Had to drip the faucets overnight because the chill factor was around 18F. or so. I realize my friends up North probably might think that that's bearable (and I admire them for that mindset), but that's just COLD. Now it's 37F., which is actually warmer than expected. I'll stay inside, thanks. A good book, a lapful of pugs and the groceries in. Sounds cozy, yes?
Will go now. Think we'll stay in from church tonight. My Suburban cries when it's very cold, and we don't want that. Take care.