Saturday, February 18, 2012

Odds and ends

Just found out today that when my blog previous to this one was hacked---the server where I was hosted was hit as well.   Some security breach higher up, which relieves me that I was dotting all my i's and crossing my t's, but still, frustrating to find out about because I wrote my web mistress about something else and she didn't let her users know about the hacking she's had to deal with which involved several of us.  It would've been nice when she realized the problem if she's given us all a head's up.  Nuts.  I'd probably have scratched my head less over the irritation of it.  As I tell our kids---communication really is key. (please excuse lousy grammar)
But onto other things, my birthday was a treat.  We postponed the dinner and cake until tonight with Gary and oldest daughter being home, and that was nice. Low-key, which is something we do pretty well. Excitement usually isn't our strong suit. And sweet Indian boyfriend's mom bought me a cute trinket on their trip---a strand of sparkly elephants that looks pretty in the doorway between the dining room and living room.  Nice with our new St. Patrick's Day lights/garland.

Now---must find time for artistic endeavors soon.  Gary bought me watercolors, an easel with compartments for paints, etc. and if I don't crack it open quick-like, the least one will hijack the whole thing!  She's been drooling over the paints ever since I got the package.

Will go now.  A quiet rest of the weekend ahead.  Take care.