Saturday, March 31, 2012


Feeling a bit sorry for myself this evening, and shared with Gary that it seems that what I do many times seems to be taken for granted.  I know in my heart that they appreciate me, but still, the words said make such a difference.  Guess we all feel that way from time-to-time.

Must remember this when 4th son helps me over and over (and willingly) and reward him swiftly.  We all require confirmation that we're doing a good job, but don't always get it.  He's the one I depend on, and have to be careful to not overload him, or neglect his need to be a kid.

Hard to find a balance, and without having to hold a placard stating my frustration, my husband is good to listen and respond the way I need.  Grateful for that.

(must notice that the labels I put on my posts are pretty blatant about stating my mood....the label 'fussing' doesn't need to get that much exercise!)