Monday, June 4, 2012

A summery Monday

Thunderstorms overnight, so the sleeping was cozy.  Overcast alternating with sun this morning, with the clouds winning out which means the clothes go into the dryer today. A bit of a relief, not having to hang them out.  One less trip out into the heat.  Besides, the washer and dryer are both in the kitchen, so it's simple to load and unload.

Will read my last Susan Hill mystery, and maybe go to the grocery store later on.  Feeling less jazzed, and able to take a breath.  Honestly, still having low spells regarding Patricia's death.  It takes so LONG.  I was reading older posts here last night, and saw that she'd written a comment on grief at one point---talking about her dad's death and some details about that.  Odd to 'hear' her voice speaking about something I'm dealing with in regards to her.  I still scratch my head at God's timing.  Seems so often we're not in sync.

But anyway, I'm here and recovering slowly.  It takes time.  Will gather my threads and embellishments for the embroidery class that's inching nearer---June 20th or the 21st.  Must check the dates.  Having fun, creative things to anticipate is healing.  And will cut some flowers to bring inside.  The daisies are up and the coreopsis.  The black-eyed Susans are about to pop as well. Love having my own cutting garden.  Must go now and move clothes.  Enjoy your day!

(dishy photo source unknown)