Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Thoughts rattling in my head

A bit ragged with talking children and rug-licking dogs today.  And with 3 of the dogs following me from room to room (oldest dog has more sense and sleeps all the time), to the doors/barking wildly when someone knocks at the door, and out back to hang out clothes----I could do with some alone time.  Doesn't take much.  Just a bit would be refreshing.

We dog sat for our next-door neighbor over the weekend and I commented to Gary how quiet their house was to me.  'Course with me sitting inside over there with their pug while our kids played in their backyard with their big dog, it was pretty still.  They don't have a squeaky ceiling fan in their living room, or a conure that makes racket all the time---not a lot, just little noises.  And they're not near the busy cut-through street, like our house is, with us on a corner.  I do love our busy, hectic life, but breaks are welcome because they provide a bit of a cushion to all of the activity.

So, if I get up in time for prayers at church (laughing to myself---will see how this plays out), was thinking of stopping and getting a fancy coffee on my way home.  A respite.  Just me.

Thinking I'm on to something here.

(not quite sure where the tea/cookie photo came from)