After watching several of the videos for the stitch-a-long I've joined, I realized something. The videos are sped up so that the viewer can see quickly what's going on. I get that. Anyway, after watching for a bit, gleaning some tips and all, I found that when I began the first square, I was stitching like a mad woman. Seems I was trying to keep pace with the rapid-pace video. You'd think I'd realize what I was doing! It was MESSY.
Anyway, cut out that first try and here's my first square, done at a more leisurely pace. It's in a variegated pearl cotton in a satin stitch with a plain cranberry as a border, using the stem stitch. The cloth is a yummy piece of cream linen, with a light sparkly finish on it. Might detail the fabric a bit with beads or buttons, etc. later on. But for now, it's fine. Figure it'll be easier to add pretties later on, when I don't have to contend with an embroidery hoop.