"Without the contemplative dimensions, the whole day can slip away into a mad chase, but those few minutes can give it meaning and joy. And if you can set aside a little corner in your home, however modest, as a sanctuary, that space can readily conduct you each day back into the contemplative mode."~ from Music of Silence by David Steindl-Rast and Sharon Lebell.You know, I like to post here and just jot down my thoughts. It's settling in some odd sort of way. Rarely does anything wild and crazy happen here---well, nothing any different than other folks, but it's a good way to keep up with things for me. That's pretty much it.
But today ran away from me. After sleeping in a bit, that rain I mentioned came in with a whoosh mid/late afternoon. I mended our bedsheets on the sewing machine while the rain ran wild and the kids stayed in the further end of the house away from our big oak. The wind was that amazing. But all is well and we got a great rain, and it's cooler outside too. Nice.
Tomorrow I plan on getting up for prayers at church, then will pay a visit to a couple of places to shop for birthday boy. Minor chores. Then home and icing his cake and making burgers. Second son will buy him a steak from the restaurant and grill it here. That's his gift to him.
Just ordinary things. Wouldn't mind something thrilling happening, but not holding my breath!