Well, woke to my alarm, and fell back asleep with a quick prayer for the Lord to wake me up again if He wanted me to go to the prayer service this morning. I'm so lame. Like He'd not want me to? Yep, made it on time---was early in fact, thanks to good training from my husband to always arrive sooner than later. (And they rang the church bell too. A real bell with a rope that hangs at the back of the church. I love that so much it makes me shiver.) As it was last time I went, there were three of us---the rector/priest and one other man. A sweet group, and from what I understand, always small since it's just hard to do this sort of thing first thing in the morning. I get that. You know I do. Again we sat in the chancel, and I enjoyed being near the altar and all of the pretties. At the end of the prayer service where in the Book of Common Prayer there's a spot to pray for other folks, the priest inserted those who had special needs. I cried the last time I was there at this time, and it happened again. Was reminded of the Lord saying that when 2 or more are gathered, there I am in the midst of them. I realize that includes any group praying sincerely, but to be next to the altar---a holy place, makes it seem all the more special. Maybe that's just me, but not having experienced this sort of 'church' before, causes it all to be so new.
So many modern churches make all areas of the church usable for whatever comes along. There's nothing set aside as special and with the common usage of contemporary music and screens to show lyrics and Scripture, there's not a spot at the front of the church that's different from any other place. That's just sad. Am re-learning a different way to do things, and enjoy that while the altar area at church isn't off limits, it is special.
Anyway, what an excellent way to start, what was a very busy morning/afternoon. Now am home. Chicken simmers for chicken and stuffing. I have a pile of library books and nothing pressing. Least not for a day or two. Can you hear me sigh?