Thursday, March 7, 2013

Husband stuff

john singer sargent painting with no treadmill
My husband went out and bought a treadmill today.  He and fourth son are putting it together as I type.  And, no, we don't have room for it, but seems the only least innocuous place is in the dining room against the wall.  Decorative?  No.  Useful?  Probably so.

I figured Gary'd gotten that bee out of his bonnet.  We'd talked about putting one in the room that's the former breakfast room, but is turning into my still room with the herb classes I'm taking.  Seems I figured wrong about him buying it, but he was determined.

In the sweetest way he told me he'd gotten scared with a couple of folks we know having unexpected health issues.  One being the granddaughter of our recently deceased elderly neighbor (the man who'd been a substitute grandfather type to a couple of our boys).  She's only in her early forties, and already has MS, but had a serious stroke a few weeks ago, just 2 months after her grandfather's death.  She's now blind in her left eye, paralyzed on that side, and her sight is also compromised in her right eye. Wasn't life complicated enough for her anyway?  I feel so much for her mom, who is a sweet friend of ours as well.  Her dad passing away and now her daughter with this struggle.  Life is so weighty.

With my recurring migraine headaches, Gary's for years worried that I'd have a stroke.


Secretly hoping I get the same rush eventually from the treadmill as I used to get from dance class.  Endorphins, you know.  That'd be an added perk.

I think Gary's made some sort of New Year's resolution to help me.  The herb classes, his renewed attention to the smallest detail regarding me.  Makes me tear up just to think on it.  He's always been a sweetheart, but hearing him say it is a bit overwhelming.  Love can be too much to think about sometimes.

Great song here, by the way.  Speaking of tears.  It's so beautiful.