Saturday, March 23, 2013

Saturday evening

Sometimes when we plan a restful week, as I did a few days ago, instead life gets in the way.  Two children's dental appointments totalling 5 hours in 2 days, my mom falling again yet thankfully not breaking any bones, and one son in major hot water for much unacceptable behavior.  Oh, and second son is almost completely moved into his apartment.

Might be absent here for a bit more.  I'd like to post daily Spring Break jollies starting Monday if I can work up a jolly mood.  As of this very minute, doubtful, but I'll try.  It might help.

In a bit of a perk, though, went with oldest daughter to a local art gallery today and had a wonderful time.  Good to turn off our brains from life itself and absorb beautiful things.  We certainly needed that change of scenery.  My favorite part of the museum was one tiny room, about 5' square which was to the side of a larger room full of religious icons and other religious paintings circa about 1500 or thereabouts.  Anyway, in this small room, there was a rough tile floor and dark walls with lighting in a dome-like ceiling.  There was a Spanish processional cross, some stained glass and other church bits.  The clincher was very quiet background music of Gregorian chant.  The only thing missing was a bench or kneeler.  It would've definitely gotten some use by me.

Must go.  Take care.