Everything went well with middle daughter at the dental school yesterday. Sweet student doctor. Such a good experience for all of us. Same goes for 4th son's visit there today---same student, and everything is so well-done. Thinking that we won't have any appointments next week, though, and that'd be sweet.
I feel disjointed from the kids and the house after this week of being away on lengthy errands. The least one doesn't wear my absence very well. She copes alright, but I can tell when I get home that she's uncomfortable with it. Maybe this weekend I can putter, straighten and place my stamp on the house again. Just need to do my mothering stint.
Funeral tomorrow afternoon. Thinking it'll be well-populated with the Christian Indian community, which is alive and well at the church sweet Indian boyfriend's family goes to. Curiously enough, it's the same church (not the building, but the congregation) where I met Gary. We think that's funny considering oldest daughter and SIB. No, they're not engaged, but probably will be one day.
And enjoyed the hippie store so much today. Came home with a bag of fun---more herbs than I can shake a stick at. :) And had to order one online this evening, along with some other things. So thankful for the financial means to do this now. Praying this flush situation we're in now can last. It's such a blessing.
Lastly looking forward to church on Sunday. We've missed 3 weeks with sickness. Enough already.
Take care.
(a photo by woodboy of one of his wooden scoops)