Dibs and dabs
- having a bit of a lie down
- it's been a busy morning
- after last week being VERY busy and with much if it spent away from home, lovely to be here
- trying to clean up the mess--3 weeks of illness makes for a true sickhouse
- and attempting to decorate around the treadmill
- challenging job
- but do-able
- after losing weight with sickness, have lost a bit more
- yay me
- loving my herbology class
- enjoying that the books/info. instills a bit of magic into it
- reminds me of the book thornyhold by mary stewart
- magical
- sweet Indian boyfriend goes to italy with his culinary class tomorrow
- asked him to bring me a rock---a small one
- figured that was affordable (aka free) and cool
- don't think i have one darn thing from italy in this house
- it's time
- he's going to florence, by the way
- swoon
- spring has sprung here but has come very slowly
- the forsythia has bloomed for a few weeks now
- that never happens
- usually it's here, then gone with a whoosh
- the funeral on saturday for SIB's aunt was beautiful
- gary and i got to meet some of the indian relatives, which was a first
- oldest daughter has met LOTS of his relatives, so it was nice to prove she's not an orphan
- SIB comes from a line of strong believers
- two of his cousins/uncles are ministers (maybe more)
- they are ON FIRE
- curious after the funeral to go to the reception and see numerous indians standing together
- more than i've ever seen at one function
- i'm sort of a hermit, i guess, or just don't know many indians
- folks tend to segregate without anyone's help
- like follows like
- it's just what happens
- must go now
- enjoy the rest of your day