Friday, March 29, 2013

Spring Break {day five}

Kids went to my mom's house for lunch for the first time since before Christmas.  A bit strange, that.  I think it was good for my mom, but really, she's aged so much in that brief time. I've seen her a couple of times in the meantime, but it's hard to see her look so much more frail.  Wish she was a bit more open to visits, but as they say, 'it is what it is.'  Personally I think the kids are good for her.  She doesn't have to work so hard in her house with them helping, and their zest for life is contagious.

And birthday shopped for youngest son, who's extremely easy to please. It'll be a nice, low-key birthday tomorrow.  He deserves attention since we've been so wrapped up in one of his brother's lives.  Hard to distribute care and affection to so many, but it must be done.  Juggling.  It's all juggling.

And then there's Easter, which should be a fine day.  Second son (the one who's partially moved out) wants to grill for us.  We'll see how that plays out.  As to the partially moved out comment...he bought himself a new bed for his apartment, but his bed here still lives. He spends the occasional night here, and fourth son wants third son to move out of their bedroom (also shared with fifth son...are you lost yet?) and in with first-born son so that they can all spread out.  Part-time apartment dweller son #2 is ignoring him.  Works for me. I enjoy the odd night when all my chickens are home.  Is happening less often, but I still like it.

If that last paragraph messed you up, I find it works better if you make little stick figures and place them in small, crowded bedrooms.

Must go now.  Tuckered.  And didn't do anything incredibly fun.  Well, maybe I can count some crafting supplies I got at Michael's today to make something for the kids with some teensy little pink chicks.  This post just serves as information to those who love me. Doesn't have to be exciting for those who care.