Wednesday, March 6, 2013

More of the same...

So tomorrow I take middle daughter to the dental school to have a broken tooth looked at.  She's nervous.  I'm nervous, mainly because I'd rather it be me than her, since she's never been to this place.  A bit overwhelming, but the dental students are all so sweet.  Courtesy must be something they're taught in their first classes.  They really couldn't be any nicer.

And as I've said, will take fourth son back down there on Friday. Mercy.  Must rustle up a good attitude, though.  And plan on going to the hippie store to pick up some herbs I need for my class.  Some I'll have to order online, I'm thinking, but can pick up some here in town.  I'm supposed to be able to identify them by smell, taste, etc.  Sort of excited about it.  Figure I'll drop off our son, whip over to the hippie store---waste some time, and then go back to get him.  The other option is to sit in the waiting room for 3 hours.  I think it's an easy call to make, eh?

Oh, and last night online I found a mugshot of our next door neighbor, who I talked about yesterday.  All I was doing online was logging in his name to a search engine, wondering if the house next door is in his name again, after going to auction back in September.  Coc@aine possession/with intent to manufacture/distribute.  Again I say mercy.  Court date on Monday.  Yes, Gary and I are beside ourselves wondering what'll happen.  Would like to sit in on his court appearance, but figure it's safer to not be there.  Better that he not know that we DO know, you know?

Life is just plain full, ain't it?

But God is in control.  The knowledge of what's going on is so important.  Doesn't pay to be ignorant, and now we know how to pray.  I'm thankful for that.  And we're not going to let our neighborhood be run over by careless renters (used to rent and know how it's done....they don't have to be uncaring) and even homeowners who don't have any pride.  After the initial reaction to a disappointment being fear, it's pretty critical to put on your big boy pants and take the neighborhood back.  We've lived here 23 years, and don't intend to allow crime to get a foothold.  Hear me?

Prayer.  The strongest weapon against evil.

(a photo of a honey bee, since there's no clearer proof of what faith can do, right diane?!)