I feel in a zone of some sort. Took the girls to Maundy Thursday services at church and while awesome isn't a word that's in my everyday-ordinary vocabulary, it certainly fits what happened tonight. We went into a service that was a bit low key as expected being Maundy Thursday, but by the end, we were plain cold sober. The altar was stripped and in front of it was moved a plain wooden cross that our priest then draped with a black cloth.
Startling to see the altar stripped piece by piece. The altar cloths, candles, decorative pieces, prayer books, and when the Bible went, I could feel tears in my eyes. It all represented Christ's crucifixion and with Him gone (and all the pieces on the altar removed), you could in a teeny tiny way imagine how it felt so many years ago.
Afterward, I stayed an hour for the prayer vigil, and was glad I signed up after dark, because the church is so beautiful in the evening. For the next 20+ hours, someone will be in the church to pray until the service tomorrow night. Again, it was awesome. To be in the nave all alone with only dim lighting and delicately scented candles was an experience all its own. So lovely.