Well, a couple of curve balls later we find that both Violet and Daisy will have to have bladder stone surgery. Daisy last went through this January 2012, so her problem is minor now (but increasing), and Violet is toting around a pretty sizeable stone. Dagnabbit.
We could've gone all day without this news, but it is what it is.
Seems some breeds just have this issue, toys being the worst hit. And Dalmatians. Not sure what's up with that. And to think we were so careful with their diet, must be some genetics going on. And also, the Pugs eat the same exact diet, but one is 5 lbs. heavier (that would be Daisy, my chubbalina). Oh, and they have different stones than one another too. I'm totally confused.
The lesson here is that you can do everything right, and still things don't follow the plan you expect. I think we can call this a spiritual lesson.
Guess we'll have to overhaul their diet again....told Gary I wish someone could say to me, "Melissa, this is exactly what you should do to prevent bladder stones. It works 100% of the time." But there's not that fix. There just isn't. No guarantees, which is what we want in this life. Least I do.
And I'm so stressed. Drove Gary's truck out today for errands (remember, my Suburban died a slow death) and since his was broken into a few months back and someone busted his steering column, you have to start it with a screwdriver. I can do all that. But at one point in our outing, I had to turn off the truck. Sat there for a minute and couldn't for the life of me think of how to turn it back on. Time to chill, I'm thinking.
Btw, Violet's scheduled for surgery on Thursday. Daisy later. Too much money to do them at once (which actually would be sweet, but is impractical now), but thankfully, we have sweet, generous kids who will help with both.
Now will go soak my head.