Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tuesday's mutterings

It appears that sometimes a person is meant to get down to bare knuckles before life begins the upswing. Feeling a bit raw around these parts, and curious as to the pattern the Lord will unfold before us.

Heard from the daughter of our recently-deceased neighbor about his house which it turns out she's selling to our next-door neighbor.  When the neighbor moves up the street (there are only about 4 houses between her now and her soon-to-be house), we'll then have an empty house on either side of us. Huh.  While I'm happy for her to be moving out of the house she shared with her ex-husband (who's being a big stinker), I really will regret her not being next door anymore.  And for any of you who feel confused by this paragraph, I totally understand.  It IS confusing.  In text fashion it'd read like this: Neighbor moving.  House empty.  Annoying to us.  Darn.

I could do with some good news.  Oldest daughter invited me to go to St@rbucks with her after dinner, just to get me out of the house.  Not having a vehicle during the day is a bit off-putting, but I've adjusted well, I think.  Last night, got all antsy, told Gary I was feeling twitchy and, bless his heart (said sincerely), he began asking me what had gone wrong.  Just told him it was hard to be here all the time, with the noise and activity and constant children's demands.  He got it.  And oldest daughter got it when she invited me out.

Anyway, she said she thought it'd been a tough year.  We agreed we'd like a re-do.  A fresh start.  A new calendar page, preferably one with January printed on it.  No such luck.  Her pain partly has been the death a couple of months ago of sweet Indian boyfriend's aunt.  Her cancer was long-lived and the family is still reeling with the experience.  And my mom's odd behavior which has totally messed with my head, capped off with both of my brothers going into ostrich mode.  And Gary's workshop being oddly quiet these past couple of months, and 2 of the boys moving out.  Lotsa stuff.  Stressors.

But really, when you spell it out with words, it doesn't look so awful.  Sentence form maybe is a wise way to look at frustrations.  Like when you pray out loud and put into solid words what you're upset about---emotions run a bit nutty when you're just thinking about stuff.  Words really are settling at times.  Solid things.

Time to go now.  Rest well.