Violet's home from her morning surgery, and all is well. Two large bladder stones. Yuck. Daisy was all droopy while her sister was gone, but perked right up when we came back home with Violet. We're all exhaling. My goodness. Loving things, either people or creatures takes it out of you, doesn't it?
Trying to focus on just today, not borrowing any baggage that has tomorrow's name on it. A simple dinner of scrambled eggs and toast, I imagine. The house is a minor disaster, but that's okay. We'll just kick things out of the way on the floor, and move items off of flat surfaces as need arises.
Take care and enjoy your day. Stay cool, 'cause it's a hot one here. Typical August. :)
Oh, and also posting at A Quartet of Things. Interesting how a focus on thankfulness can be of a comfort. I'm enjoying it.