Friday, October 4, 2013

End of the week

Stomach virus.  Going from task to task, in a chair to chair fashion.  As soon as I think I can do something, I take a deep sigh and just park it.  Thankfully no throwing up with this thing, for which I'm very grateful---not to sound too informative, though.  Have lost 3 pounds, all good.  I remember years ago, our oldest daughter having a horrid case of the flu and losing 17 pounds.  Never gained it back.  

I feel a bit addled.  I think my brain is affected.  I keep thinking of things, only to forget what I had on my mind just seconds later. Gary's sick too, but is suffering slightly differently.  Like the movie 'Napoleon', he's just saying, "I don't feeeeeeell good."  Can't quite put a finger on it, but just feeling lowly.

Got my copy of The Way of a Pilgrim today, and will enjoy reading it later on, during nap-time.  It covers The Jesus Prayer (the mercy prayer) and the review book I'm into talks about a prayer method (for lack of another term) of St. Ignatius of Loyola called Examen, which I'd never heard of.  All of these sorts of things interest and fascinate me.

I'm used to, from my years of an evangelical, of extemporaeous prayer, and that's fine, but the richness of the prayers of the old church traditions have fed something in me that I didn't realize needed feeding.  There's something beautiful of the Anglican history that rings true to me.  And I find that odd, since that's not the way I was brought up, but relate to like you'd think it was something in my history.  Well, I guess it is if you want to travel to England to my ancestors hundreds of years ago, who followed that faith.  

Must go now.  Time to chill.  I have no energy.