Mike Nappa's book, God in Slow Motion is correctly titled. He takes stories about our Lord and elaborates on them, sometimes taking a bit of creative license, but always gets to the heart of the matter. And he takes his time over them.
My favorite line in the whole book comes at the beginning, when Nappa talks about what we're to do, and how we're supposed to react when tough times come to us. The word to the Lord is, "So what do we do now, God?" "Nothing. Strangely enough, it all turns out well. My grace is enough."
I find that a comfort We do nothing. And still it all works out.
In addition, the author shares about how hardship is the human condition, making note that Christian history is full of stories of pain and suffering. For some reason, here in the 21st century we've been sold a bill of goods, most likely by television evangelists that difficulties can be eradicated. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Another quote: "...Christian history is filled with the suffering of the saints. A peek inside the walls of your church will reveal more of the same happening today. My guess is that you, too, have personally experienced pain while being held firmly in the hand of God."
(i received this book free to review from thomas nelson/booksneeze)