Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sunday afternoon

Having the urge to simplify a bit (note blog is a little less noisy-looking).  With still feeling under-the-weather with this stomach thing, I've had plenty of time to just think on stuff.  Watch the dust form on the furniture. See the ever-growing trail of glitter run from the girls' rooms to the rest of the house.  Stand amazed at the pile of unfolded laundry.  Roll my eyes at the collection of books I own that just grows as fast as the clutter builds.

What I really need is one good energetic day when I feel up to doing a mass clean-out.

Not happening any time soon, I don't think.

But an odd thing.  I talked to our second son late this afternoon.  He and oldest daughter have been out-of-town, with him being at a mission's conference and her enjoying a nearby mall and plenty of quiet time. Good for both of them.  Well anyway, after he and I finished our conversation, I hung up and cried.  Not sure what that was all about, but maybe partly relief that their trip is drawing to a close and they'll be coming home tomorrow.  Or maybe I'm just weary of being sick.

For whatever reason, for me at least, being ill tends to give me a different viewpoint on life.  A lighter touch, maybe.  Perhaps an ability to not (at least this week) look at my worries so directly in the face.

It'll be a slow week, but I trust one that is a refreshment for me as well.