As I was saying good night to the kids last night, fourth son called me back into the boys' room and asked if I'd heard about the salmon*ella outbreak. I had. He asked again what my symptoms had been the last week. I told him. He commented that they were the same as the folks who've complained of having the sickness reported by the media. Then he asked what I'd eaten before I got so sick. Chicken.
Well, I don't know if I've had food poisoning, but it is different from anything I've ever experienced. I don't recommend it. But odd if it's related to something we've eaten, because only Gary and I got sick, though this son says he felt mildly sick to his stomach last week. I do know Gary and I sat down together and had chicken salad (homemade) the first of last week. Everyone ate it. Can't think of anything he and I did apart from the kids.
Not going to solve this one, and since I'm very careful about handling food in the kitchen, it might remain a mystery.
Think I'll wipe down the entire kitchen with bleach today. Might set my mind at ease a bit.