Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Day's end

~the cup that kept me going
Glad to be able to stop after a busy day. Started off taking middle daughter to the dental school for a couple of fillings, and for them to check on her wires (not braces, but trying to move a tooth into an empty slot). Then a couple of errands, then home. She crashed. Just not up-to-par this week, so she took a much-needed nap.  I rested (window up in bedroom---wonderful breeze), then prepared for round two.

Fetched oldest daughter at her job (she'd lent me her truck today), then to the grocery store.  Home to cook, then out to get middle daughter's birthday presents for her day tomorrow. Fun to see responses when folks hear her birthday is on Halloween, or Reformation Day, depending on who you're talking to. :)

Just thankful now for groceries to make her a sweet dinner---what we call The Greek Dish---spanakopita with chicken. Yum-ness extraordinaire.  And strawberry shortcake for dessert, her choice.

Looking forward to a nice, rainy day tomorrow.  Baking, some schoolwork which will likely be spotty for birthday girl, and restfulness, I'm hoping.