Thinking that reading about Lesley's days and her suggestions, not to mention her photographs, will go a long way in settling down my spirits. They do seem to fly all over the place. Can't settle.
I sit here and try to figure out when I lost my way at home. This current year has been such a strain. My mom's lack of involvement in our lives, and her odd behavior which includes my own estrangement from my brothers. Two of our boys moving out. My husband's work suffering with the difficulties lots of folks have experienced. And my mental state being a bit on the shaky side----nerves, you know. All of this has compounded to make my life a bit slippery.
Just wanted to share. Maybe even one of you knows how this feels---the getting older, kids moving here and there, and having a hard time finding a place to be. Sometimes life pinches a bit. Mental grounding, and for me, my wonderful Anglican church life, play special parts for me. Just need help here and there.