Thursday, January 2, 2014

Goals for the third of January

To try once again to get into Emily P. Freeman's book called A Million Little Ways---Uncover the Art You Were Made to Live.  For the life of me, I can't get into this book.  I even went to Amazon and Good Reads to see reviews to see if anyone else had posted anything that even smacks of a tiny bit of a doubtfulness. The answer's no.  And when I ordered it, I was so excited.  Got the book, read into it and it fell flat.  Anyway, am setting myself a goal of a chapter a day, thinking that surely I'm missing something.  Anything.  Maybe it's not my style.  I just don't know.

And am making Pain Au Chocolat tomorrow.  That yummy French Croissant-style bread with chocolate in the middle. I wanted to find a detailed recipe the other day and one site said to get a croissant, slice it open and spread it with Nutella.  Are you kidding me?  Not even.  And I found a recipe that calls for you to take four days to make it.  No.  Finally found one that takes a total of 3-4 hours.  That sounds perfect.

Thinking I want a goal of making something during the year as a routine.  I'm thinking bread.  Of all the things I make in the kitchen, bread's my favorite.  Maybe one thing a week.  Maybe not, but as I said, it's a goal.

New things to think about.  I'm liking that.