Just muttering to myself. Had a call from DHS this morning about the papers they required to get my mom's Medicaid all set up. They needed all of the personal papers before February 3rd. The first set was mislaid in their office (that were faxed over on December 23rd), and the new worker wasn't sure where they'd ended up.
When she called, she asked why the follow-up info. we faxed last week hadn't included those original papers. I told her their secretary had the papers. And I quote.
She goes skittering off to find them, says she'll get back to me.
Two hours later.
Tick, tick, tick.
I called her, asking if she'd found the papers. The original case worker (who also goes by the name Slacker) had them in his desk.
Incompetence is so maddening. Really, the left foot doesn't know what the right foot is doing.
The clicker is when I called her, she wasn't sure what I was talking about. Two hours later. I realized folks are over-worked, but really? And if anyone else says it's because my last name is Smith, I'll smack you. The name Smith doesn't mean Invisible, does it, really?
The thing is, if you say you'll call me back, I actually believe you.
On the up-side, she said Mom's paperwork had been approved. Just like that. Thankful for that...that's for sure. Couldn't afford her care otherwise. Just a head's up. Dealing with government offices can be a big pain, but glad this has a happy ending.