Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wednesday night

Tetchy sort of day.  I know partly it's because of the cold.  I wake up in the morning and dread, absolutely dread having to climb out of the bed.  By the time I've dragged my sorry old soul out of the covers, the worst is over.  I turn on the tea kettle and off I go.  I still get excited about fixing my tea in the morning.  Every morning.  Same thing everyday, but it settles me.  Go figure.

But my motivation with the schooling is still poor.  We've, uh, sort of kept up.  I stayed away from formal schooling (well, my brand of formal) for the past couple of weeks, then figured I'd best get my act together again this week.  A mistake.  I've not been quite ready.  Easily overwhelmed by life in general, I reckon.

Oldest daughter is good about making me see myself.  I was talking about buying apple juice at the store today---one bottle for me, the other one for the kids.  She asked what was up with me having my own bottle and I told her I'd had some pains for a couple of nights this week----tucked up under my right ribs.  My reading points to a possible gall bladder issue.  Not sure, but it's not an odd idea.  Anyway, will do a bit of a purging with the juice and some organic apple cider vinegar.  A mild help.

She got a bit serious with me telling me I needed a weekend of no chores---no visiting my mom, no deadlines, no extras.  She's got a good point.  And as we got to thinking about it, my two nights of stomach-area pain were at the same time I visited my sick uncle at the hospital.  Stressful.  I'm living with a consistent level of stress and it's become the norm.  That can't be healthy.

On the plus side, I've lost twenty pounds since my mom had her stroke on November 7th.  'Course her situation, the flu and then a stomach virus were a help, but even recently, off it goes.  Good thing I'm not a skinny person, or it'd be a bad thing.  As it is, I can finally wear a diamond ring my dad gave me YEARS ago.  My fingers had been too fat until recently.  Cold weather is a help there too---rings just fall off, don't they?

Must go now.  Time to rest.