Monday, January 20, 2014

Pain au Chocolat

My first attempt at a croissant-type dough.  Found the recipe online at a French baking site, and my first batch of dough turned out tough---easy to tell even after it was blended in the mixer.  I think I put in too much flour, though I added what the recipe recommended.  Tried a second time, putting in less flour and the dough was way more manageable.

Many folds later, one cup of softened butter later, multiple rollings of the rolling pin and voila....they turned out very nicely.  Yeah, buying puff pastry would've been easier, but this was much more satisfying.  Thankful the recipe only makes a dozen.  One cup of butter divided up 12 ways is still a lot of buttery goodness.

And actually, trying a new pastry/cake/bread recipe from time to time is a goal for 2014.  Would like to make it a regular thing---like every week, but that might make it more of a demand sort of
thing rather than a pleasure.