Feeling so full just now. I got a bee in my bonnet (surely God's nudging) to get online with the base to get the phone number where third son is stationed in North Carolina. Everyone's told me that the recruits won't be able to receive mail the first couple of weeks. Our son, though, last Friday asked me to find out the address and write. I didn't know what to do. But obviously nobody else was going to do it for me. A couple of nights ago, I was about to go to sleep and got the distinct feeling that he needed prayer. Right then. Got to business on that at that very moment, and today just called the base. Made my heart beat fast. I really do think they keep them isolated for a bit, so I'm praying my timing is good.
Now I've lived on adrenaline all day. Glorious. I'm so excited that my call went through, someone really looked up his name and gave me distinct instructions on what to write on the envelope. Moms. We just want to know where our chickens are.
And thankfully I had stationary and stamps. I got a note off as did the least one. I even stuck in a chicken feather. They make such great bookmarks. :)
Now I'm listening to The Newsboys and Nickle Creek, getting my happy on.
And it's odd. In the midst of this joyous personal experience I'm having, my aunt and uncle are going through the hardest situation you can have, bar a couple of things I can think of. She's back home from the hospital, still with a weak heart, and my uncle is getting a feeding tube inserted next Tuesday, and will be moving to a nursing home after the feeding tube is secured, sometime later next week.
I'll go see him on Monday afternoon, after taking fourth son to work. Seriously, might be the last time I see him. His time to go be with the Lord is soon. We all can just tell. And if you sit still and think about that simple reality, life is so crystal. Even since my mom's stroke, I can feel my attitudes about certain things alter. So much is trivial, and facing the possibility of disability or death changes a person's outlook. Least it has mine, and frankly, it's good. As Tonia at Study in Brown says today....living is so dear. Yes. Yes it is.