I wonder. I just wonder how many folks struggle with financial issues. Lots? And I don't mean when you want to buy the national brand and have to by store brand. But when you wonder when the utility bill will get paid, or the housenote is late. I know plenty of folks who are fortunate enough to make a regular salary---they know what's coming in and when it's coming. I sometimes envy that. We never know when funds will get here, unless (and even then, maybe not) a customer promises to get to Gary's shop at a particular time. Self-employment is a daily adventure---and I use the word 'adventure' loosely. It implies fun, and rarely do I laugh about Gary's work. But, if I'm honest, it doesn't frustrate me as it used to. I have piles of hand-written journals with words poured out in them about his work, lack of work, and our piddly bank account.
The thing is, though, since my mom's stroke, my worries have lessened in that regard. Perspective. And I'm realizing on a daily basis that no matter how I hold my mouth, or how long I pray, or how passionate I am in my prayers, the results are the same. He. Answers. My. Prayers. But are they answered in the manner I expect or within my time frame? Well, heck no. Seems in our lives, as a playful rule, He seems to answer them in unlikely and original ways. Most often at the last minute, and in the nick of time. Or not in the nick of time and our faith is put to the test. Adventure? Not so much.
This isn't confession time, though. I'm not asking for anyone to tell me their story, but I wonder anyhow. Even if someone doesn't struggle financially, there's something else that's a heavy weight. As Gary says, we all have our own wheelbarrow full of stuff to tote around....or something like that. I don't think he uses the word 'tote' though. He'd never use that word. I'd earn a frown from him on that one. :)
Anyway, just doing my day. Marinara sauce bubbling away, some sort of yeast bread about to be mixed up for dinner, a living room floor to vacuum, the dining room to tidy before we eat, sheets to be gathered off the lines, a bed to be made, and a welcome for my returning family from the wildness of the outside world which I'm blessed to be able to (for the most part) avoid. Take care.