Sunday, June 1, 2014

Sunday night's doings

We had my mom over tonight, along with sweet Indian boyfriend for Joseph's belated birthday. A bit difficult to get the feel for her mindset,  it bring her first official outing, bar going to the doctor's,  but she did fine. We did fine. All is well. Odd, but well.

Looking at tomorrow as a day off. Too much drama with Joseph's return, adjusting to having him back, etc.  He's much the same, though, for which I'm grateful.

Speaking of grateful, am re-reading Ann Voskamp's book, and while parts of it make me scratch my head, I'm enjoying reading about thankfulness, which I have a difficult time expressing. I'm a fair hand at grumbling, but need to look on the happy side more.

Also, not wanting to spend so much energy on finding fault. Plenty of folks do that, so I'd prefer being on the cheerleading squad for a change.

Just thoughts banging around in my wee brain.  Take care.