Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Reading mini rant

Still re-reading One Thousand Gifts, and have reached the end where she gets into what she sees as the sensual side of God's character.  It's the part of the book that folks question the most, and I get that, but really my energy level in terms of wrestling is pretty weak.  Not interested in talking about it anymore.  And I figure, this being the second time I've read it, that I know what to expect.  Still, the book blesses.  It really blesses me.

Tim Challies, well-respected reformed blogger extraordinaire, besides being a pastor in Canada got his come-uppance when he reviewed Voskamp's book and she turned right around and invited him and his family for dinner.   You might have read about that.  I know very little---really only that.  He blogged about that exchange, and followed up with not a recanting of his book review, but a gentling of his response.  Said something to the effect (not quoting here) that he was regretful of being so harsh, not really realizing that he was critiquing a person.  Her words were her own, and as such, he was criticizing her as well as her book.  At least that's what I got out of what he said.  I appreciated that he was able to be human, and a touch kind.

Christians have a habit of being cruel to one another.  Or more like some Christians enjoy attacking other Christians who the first group don't believe are really believers because they might think/believe differently. We like to be right.   Like raptors ready to attack and eat up those they find lesser than themselves.  Frankly, I'm tired of that.  Now, I'm not interested in having a love-fest, but we don't set a very good example, and I've willingly been part of that mindset.  Shoot, I've blasted this book as well.  Curious too that part of the flak the book's gotten is in terms of her reading material---maybe too many Catholics named.  Please.  Surprise....you can be a Roman Catholic and be saved.  How arrogant we are when we believe our particular branch of the Christian faith is right all the time.

All I want to do is take care of my family.  I want so badly to get my head on straight so that I can putter around the house, work in the garden, turn off the continual journey in my head to my mom's needs, forget that the bills are late, and just appreciate our life here.  Now will go run along and thumb through my own stack of Roman Catholic literature.  :)