Had put several books on hold at the library and they all came available today...one being The Hawk and the Dove trilogy by Penelope Wilcock that Bonnie mentioned the other day. Oh my. Loving it. Presented in a clever way with the story-telling angle. And with monks, monasteries, Benedictines, etc. in it---perfect for me. Thanks for that. :)
And had a quiet day, which was nice. Rainy off and on, mostly on this afternoon. We've had storms daily and our front yard is telling it. Can't seem to line up the boys to cut/edge it at the same time, and it's getting a bit too lush. When strangers come several times to your door to offer to cut it, it's too thick. It'll get tended to, just not right way, I don't guess. We had another downpour this afternoon. Much preferable over the dry weather we've had in summers past.
In other stuff, Gary began and almost completed a pen for the chickens. They've been free-range over the whole backyard and the poop had become a hazard. Hard to know where to step, if you know what I mean. He was able to get some free wire and posts and all we lack is a gate. Sadly, we only have 4 hens now. A couple of Saturdays ago, I went out to let them out of the coop, and Piglet had apparently taken a flying leap from the roosting perch and hit her head in the corner of the coop. Her neck was broken. Not my finest hour at 6:30am that morning with digging a grave and crying at the same time. Hard. And the chickens seemed to mourn Piglet's absence. They were quiet for a few days, but are back to normal now. But Milk, the head chicken would seem confused when they'd get into the coop at the end of the day, after Piglet died. It was like she'd see the other hens on the perch and would almost scratch her head, knowing something was missing. Such is life with pets. They don't last forever.
Oh, and I've been asked to be on the Altar Guild at church. A sweet addition to my duties with flowers already being my responsibility. And being children's SS assistant. Small church...it gets divvied out pretty thick at times. Anyway, will train this coming Sunday to learn how to set up the altar with the linens, how to fill the candles with oil and prepare the elements. Actually, I'm awed to be asked. And, yes, it's Mitford all over again. :)
Still waiting for God's blessing of work in the shop. We remain in His shadow. As it should be.