The new Duck Commander Faith and Family Bible (NKJV) which is edited and graced by Phil Robertson and his son, Al, is wonderful. Full of the stories we've grown familiar reading and then some, but with even more heart. I love these guys. And I secretly have a crush on Phil, but we won't go into that.
The Bible has sections of special topics such as: Compassion, Marriage, Faith, Forgiveness, Happiness, Solace (which sounds so appealing) and much more. Scripture is sited and personal stories go along with all of the topics---all relevant to that particular section. There are cross-references and so much extra material to study by. Really an excellent Bible, and while I don't usually read Study Bibles, I would heartily endorse this one. For anyone who's a believer in our Lord Jesus Christ and a fan of the Robertsons, this is a beautiful Bible to own. It's extremely well-done.
And love this on the book jacket: "Happy, happy, happy are the people whose God is the Lord!"~Psalm 144:15 (extra happies added)
(i received this book free to review from booklookbloggers)