Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Tuesday night

Well, today was better than yesterday.  For one thing, it was oldest daughter's birthday.  She's so darned cute.  

On Monday I had my morning tea, as usual, but didn't pad the time with prayer.  Big mistake.  Teaching the kids their math was an exercise in futility for sure, causing our middle daughter to cry.  Oh dear.  After having a sweet prayer time the night before, I should've been paying attention, kicking the evil one's butt out of my life, but I wasn't paying attention, just assuming things would be dishy.  Well, they weren't.  Lesson learned, at least for now.  Make a note.

This morning, I got all settled with my tea and read the Morning Prayer in the Book of Common Prayer, and remembered what our priest said on Sunday about the website Common Prayer.  It has the Morning/Evening Prayers and also the Daily Office with the seven times to pray through the day. I did the whole nine yards, not bragging, but admitting that I need help.  You can't (or maybe you can) imagine how much better today was for me.  And think on it, it just makes sense that if you pray at particular times of day, sandwiching the hours with prayer---well, why wouldn't it be better?  A hard discipline, though, which is sort of sad.  

The only redeeming part of yesterday was going to a thrift store with the girls.  They were playing really great music, and at one moment, some song I like came on and I caught the gazes of the girls at different parts of the store and had the flashing thought of how cool it would've been if we'd started dancing right then.  Can you imagine how cool that would've been?  A mini flash mob.  I'll bet there's a lot of dancing in Heaven.  
~ ~ ~

Tomorrow planning on taking care of Mom's needs, then will be free for the rest of the week. I have nothing to do, no responsibilities until Monday when we'll do Mom's stuff again, and will celebrate Gary's birthday.  His last birthday in his fifties, but we won't talk about that.  It passes all too soon.

Take care all.  And take some time.